Medications And Your Oral Health

When we aren’t feeling well or experience complications with our oral health, medication can help us feel better and improve our condition. When we learn about side effects from our doctor or pharmacist, they typically tell us how they will affect our overall health. You may be surprised to learn that prescription and over-the-counter medications can affect your oral health as well. We want to raise awareness of the fact that many medications can significantly impact the future of your oral health.

3 Common Habits That Contribute To Cavities And Other Oral Health Problems

We want to help our patients achieve optimal oral health. However, patients often have certain habits that can affect their teeth and gums. This can lead to problems with decay and gum disease and cause dental emergencies. While some habits are obvious, others may be unexpected. We want to share three of the most common habits that patients are unaware can affect their oral health. Read on to learn if you have any of these habits.

Foods To Eat And Avoid For Healthy Teeth And Gums

Making every effort to support healthy teeth and gums is crucial. At Pollard Dental, we do all we can to help our patients achieve this by performing routine oral hygiene examinations and dental treatments as necessary. It is important for patients to do their part as well: cleaning their teeth at home and making wise food choices. Your diet plays a large part in the state of your oral health. We want to share some healthy food and beverage options that promote excellent oral health.

Does Thumbsucking And Pacifier Use Harm Teeth?

Do you have an infant, child, or young one in your life who uses a pacifier or sucks their thumb? Both are common self-soothing techniques and help teach infants about the environment around them. As infants grow into toddlers, using a pacifier or sucking their thumb becomes a coping mechanism when the child feels anxious or overwhelmed by a situation. At a certain age, pacifier use and thumbsucking become problems for teeth and oral health.

When To Replace Your Toothbrush And Other Oral Health Tips

We often mention the importance of receiving routine dental care in our office. However, today, we want to share the importance of caring for your teeth in your own home. We see our patients so infrequently during the year, which leaves the majority of their dental care in their own hands. Caring for your teeth properly helps prevent decay and other problems with your oral health. Here are some helpful tips to help ensure optimal oral health:

Tips To Keep Teeth Healthy This Holiday Season

We cannot believe that we have already reached the middle of December, and we will be celebrating the new year in a couple of weeks! We know that many of our patients are busy during the holidays, spending time with family and friends, attending holiday parties, and even traveling to visit relatives. We wanted to share some helpful tips to ensure that you do not have any complications with your oral health in the new year.

Let’s Celebrate National Flossing Day!

While we know many of our patients will be busy celebrating Thanksgiving at the end of this month, we have another special day that we are preparing for, National Flossing Day! This day is celebrated on the fourth Friday of November, which happens to be the day after Thanksgiving. National Flossing Day was established in 2000 and is a special day dedicated to the importance of flossing your teeth and raising awareness about the benefits of proper oral hygiene for your teeth and gums.